HTML & CSS – Gradients and Transitions

Hello all, this week we went a little bit deeper inside CSS color and performance. Nowadays, CSS3 has allowed us to modify any background page just specifying the color within CSS, instead to upload an image file, as was practiced before. Using CSS3 gradients, we can define transitions between two or more colors at the same time….

HTML & CSS – Box Model

Hi there! Here we go to one more step into the HTML & CSS and this post I will talk a little bit about my experience with box model and border. Box model is boxes that include each HTML element inside. Through this boxes, we can wrap a text or content that we want to…

Balsamiq Mockups

Robert gave us last Friday a task, where we needed to design a new app that it will help diabetics patients to track their medicines, meals, glucose and exercises, and also to be monitor by their doctors when they are at home. Alex and I created 3 differents drafts and the final one was like…

HTML & CSS – Video and Audio

Hi There, the previous weeks in Technology and UX classes, we have been developing our HTML & CSS skills. I am surprised, how I have enjoyed working with and how these classes have given me outstanding knowledge in this field. My first HTML page including an audio and an image. My first HTML page including a…

Heuristics for User Interface Design

This week in class, we talked about user interface and how we can avoid common design pitfalls by following simple design principles. Nielsen’s usability heuristics are a strong example in how small changes it can improve the user experience. The Heuristics was released in 1994 by Jakob Nielsen and included 10 general principles in regard…

HTML – List & Image

Hi everyone, this week in Technology & UX class, we have started to write our first HTML page using Sublime Text. HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. Robert gave us two exercises to put into practice on Sublime. The first…

Design Thinking

Have you thought about how some common products have a good or bad design? Well, I was thinking about it today and I have come up with the following conclusions: It is unbelievable how some medicine caps make our life harder instead to helping us to take out the tablets in an easy way, they…

Remote Control Design

Having some remote control design ideas in my first Technology and UX class. Thanks Robert Harte! 🙂